Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pulse - What a Mess!


By: Tanner Phillips

I made a huge mistake a couple days ago. I decided I would go see a horror movie without finding anything out about it beforehand. Such as reading movie reviews. I must say... The mistake was made, and I was sorry. The only good thing that came from this was that it was a matinee, and I still had time to waste that night after I had sat through this pile of crap!

This mind numbing "horror" film is an attempt at a remake of a japanese horror film from years ago. Let me just say that the attempt was weak, and the success was non-existant. It's hard for me to explain to you how ridiculous this movie really was. I must admit, that this was probably the worst horror movie I've ever seen. With ZERO plot strength, ZERO acting, ZERO explanation, this movie falls into the crap shoot category. I would have rather wasted my $10 on something stupid cool like a hammer to beat my brain in with.

I mean seriously, think about a movie that has a ghost right. Okay fine, throw in LOTS of ghosts. These ghosts are angry suicide victims who somehow ended up on some dude's hard drive right... Now, when a computer hacker lets them loose, the world falls apart, cell phones, PDA's, laptops, are the way these ghosts get around. That's where it basically leaves off. No explanation on what exactly causes this, why they're pissed, or even how they can do what they can do. It's just an idea from some nerd on his computer that was somehow made into a movie. I mean, Wes Craven really hit it small on this one. I don't know what he was thinking.

But as far as this movie goes. I firmly believe that it's the worst movie I've seen in years. The Grudge scared me more than this fecal spatter!! And I HATED the grudge!

Bottom line, just don't see this... EVER. Not for money, not for free, and not by force. Or trust me, the suicide bug might just bite you as well. Just like it did almost every person in the world in this movie.

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